Welcome to Ice Cool Confidence, and thank you for signing up to my newsletter.

As a welcome gift, be sure to select one of the FREE resources listed below (which will also give you an idea of how I work) and let me know what sort of content you’d prefer (for skaters, parents, coaches or adult skaters). You can choose more than one if you’d like.

In my newsletter, I usually like to include an informative and topical article, hints, tips and advice, some motivational resources (this might be a video of a well-known skater or their views on issues which will be of interest) and occasionally some advance information on new programmes or products I'm bringing out to help you perform better, or special offers.

It is a GREMLIN FREE ZONE - unless I'm sharing tips on how to get rid of them!

More information is available at www.icecoolconfidence.com. And the Privacy Policy can be found here.

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Ice Cool Confidence will use the information you provide on this form to send you our newsletter full of hints, tips advice and information on staying motivated, confident and performing at your best. Occasionally it may also contain information about our products or services and special offers. By submitting this form (clicking on "Subscribe to list") you acknowledge that you have read and accepted our Privacy Policy and consent to receiving our newsletter. Mostly the newsletter covers a variety of topics, variously aimed at skaters, parents, adult skaters and coaches - but sometimes we might have something particularly relevant to just one group - so check all the boxes which you'd like to be included in here: